


Developmental Test and Evaluation
Sufficiency Assessments

Developmental Test and Evaluation Sufficiency Assessments

The Developmental Test and Evaluation Sufficiency Assessment (DTSA) provides the Milestone B and C decision authorities for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs), with an assessment of the sufficiency of DT&E planning and results, for entry into either the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) or the production and deployment phase of the Major Capability Acquisition (MCA) pathway.

Milestone B DTSA

For the Milestone B decision to enter EMD, the Milestone Decision Authority must provide the congressional defense committees with a brief summary report that contains, for test and evaluation (T&E), "(G) An assessment of the sufficiency of developmental test and evaluation plans, including the use of automated data analytics or modeling and simulation tools and methodologies" (PLAW_115-91 Sect 838 (a)(1)(B); PLAW 115-91 is the FY2018 NDAA).

The minimum content for a Milestone B DTSA, is an assessment of:

  • DT&E planning: The sufficiency of the DT&E plan within the Test and Evaluation Master Plan.
  • DT&E schedule: The sufficiency of the DT&E Integrated Master Schedule. If applicable, a comparison of this program's schedule to historic analogous systems must also be provided.
  • DT&E resources: The planned DT&E resources are sufficient, including facilities, personnel, test assets, automated data analytics tools, and modeling and simulation capabilities.
  • DT&E risks and production concurrency: The risks of DT&E and production concurrency.
  • DT&E criteria for entering the production phase.

Milestone C DTSA

For the Milestone C decision to begin production, the Milestone Decision Authority must provide the congressional defense committees with a brief summary report that contains, for T&E, "(4) An assessment of the sufficiency of the developmental test and evaluation completed, including the use of automated data analytics or modeling and simulation tools and methodologies" (PLAW_115-91 Sect 838 (a)(2)).

The minimum content for a Milestone C DTSA, is an assessment of:

  • DT&E completed
  • The sufficiency of planning and resources for the remaining DT&E
  • Risks identified to production and deployment
  • Readiness for IOT&E

DTSA Responsibility

The senior official assigned the responsibility of conducting the DTSA is:

Senior DoD Official

The senior DoD official responsible for DT&E for MDAPs where the Milestone Decision Authority is the USD(A&S).

Senior Service Official

The senior Service official responsible for DT&E for MDAPs where the Milestone Decision Authority is the Service or Component Acquisition Executive.


DTSA Resources

PL 115-91 § 838 (FY 2018 NDAA)

10 U.S.C. § 2366b(c)(1)(G)

10 U.S.C. § 2366c(a)(4)



Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities
The Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301