Mission Capabilities Industry Engagement Technical Exchange Meeting

RDER (“Raider”)

The Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve (RDER) is a key program within OUSD(R&E) (Mission Capabilities) to accelerate new capability development that addresses joint warfighting gaps.


RDER drives a process of ideation, experimentation, learning and transition to quickly support multi-domain operations. OUSD(R&E) uses a rigorous process to create a body of evidence supporting transition to operation or continued development.

RDER accelerates Joint innovation; expands international partnerships and multi-lateral engagement; focuses on Joint experimentation; quickly demonstrates and assesses innovative ideas; and provides feedback to future warfighting concept development.


OUSD(R&E) and MIT Lincoln Laboratory’s Small Interceptor Counter Air vehicle showed the OUSD R&E and MIT Lincoln Laboratory's (MIT LL) Small Interceptor Counter Air (SICA) vehicle was put through the paces at TREX 24-2.

RDER drives a process of ideation, experimentation, learning and transition to quickly support multi-domain operations. OUSD(R&E) uses a rigorous process to create a body of evidence supporting transition to operation or continued development.

  • Accelerates Joint Innovation

  • Expands International Partnerships and Multi-Lateral Engagement

  • Focuses Service Joint Experimentation

  • Quickly Demonstrates and Assesses Innovative Ideas

  • Provides Feedback to Future Warfighting Concept Development


The most effective way to become involved in RDER is to participate in industry days or submit an unsolicited white paper or quad chart outlining your solution.


White papers and quad charts using the templates below may be submitted through the following links.

Email classified documents to this mailbox: osd.pentagon.ousd-r-e.mbx.joint-experiment-proposal-submiss@mail.smil.mil

Email classified documents to this mailbox:

Email classified documents to this mailbox: osd.pent.ousdr-e.mbx.joint-experimentation-proposal-submiss@osdj.ic.gov
Industry Day

OUSD(R&E) Mission Capabilities Industry Engagement Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM)

Join us for a secret-level Technical Exchange Meeting to explore technical priorities, capability challenges, and innovation pathways for advancing the joint warfighter's mission.

When: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 0830 to 1500

When: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 | 0830—1500

Where: Kossiakoff Center, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD

Where: Kossiakoff Center, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD

Advanced registration and secret clearance submission will be required for attendance.

Click for larger image.


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities
The Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301