The Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) Program aims to identify, assess, and field world-class products with high Technology Readiness Levels (TRL), satisfying essential defense needs effectively and affordably. Authorized by United States Code 2350a(g), this program equips the Department of Defense with a distinctive procurement approach, circumventing the traditional capability development process. It facilitates the testing and assessment of mature foreign-developed technology to determine procurement alternatives for current or emerging requirements.

Improving Capabilities

FCT improves United States warfighter capabilities and reduces expenditures through accomplishing these objectives:

Reducing life cycle or procurement costs

Eliminating unnecessary duplication of research, development, test, and evaluation

Rapidly fielding quality military equipment

Enhancing standardization and interoperability

Promoting competition by qualifying alternative sources

Improving the United States military industrial base


FCT proposals are nominated by the acquisition program offices and research laboratories within the United States Military Services and Special Operations Command.

How To Submit A Project

1. How to Submit

Submissions with a CAC


Submissions with no CAC



Send an email to Foreign Comparative Testing.



Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities
The Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301