FY22 DTE&A Initiatives

The FY22 DTE&A Initiatives began in fall 2021 and focus on enhancing and promoting three Areas of Emphasis:

Improve approaches to integrate Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), Digital Engineering (DE), and Mission Engineering (ME) with Developmental Test and Evaluation

Increase the speed and capability of test and evaluation

Shift cyber testing earlier in program development focusing on operational resilience

As with the FY21 DTE&A Initiatives, cross-functional teams within DTE&A carry out the FY22 initiatives, working collaboratively to solve challenges and enhance success for the programs supported.

The FY22 DTE&A Initiatives are structured as 11 initiatives led by a Project Integrator (PI). Some of the initiatives have multiple projects. This framework ensures that the overall efforts within each initiative are integrated and aligned with the three Areas of Emphasis.


FY22 DTE&A Initiatives Framework

Following is a summary of the FY22 Initiatives:

FY 21 DTE&A Initiatives


The FY21 DTE&A Initiatives began in fall 2020 and focused on enhancing and promoting the three DTE&A Lines of Effort:

  • Enhance Program Execution
  • Inform Critical Acquisition and Warfighting Capability Decisions
  • Champion Adaptive DT&E and Systems Engineering Approaches

The 17 Initiatives were led by cross-functional teams within the organization working collaboratively to solve challenges and collectively enhance success for the programs supported.

Key Results
Initiatives and Their Objectives


Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities
The Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301