Cybersecurity and Operational Resilience

DTE&A assists DoD programs and test authorities to understand and implement current policy and guidance concerning cybersecurity and operational resilience engineering and testing.

Cybersecurity is the prevention of damage to, protection of, and restoration of computers, electronic communications systems, electronic communications services, wire communication, and electronic communication, including information contained therein, to ensure its availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation. (Source: Committee on National Security Systems Number 4009, April 6, 2015)

Operational resilience is the ability of systems to resist, absorb, and recover from or adapt to an adverse occurrence during operation that may cause harm, destruction, or loss of ability to perform mission-related functions. (Source: DoDI 8500.01)

Cybersecurity DT&E Products

DoD Cybersecurity T&E Guidebook, v2.1

DoD Cybersecurity T&E Guidebook FOUO Appendices v2

  • Located in the DoD Cybersecurity Test and Evaluation Guidance folder under Shared Documents.

DoD Cybersecurity T&E for Commercial Cloud

  • Addendum to the DoD Cybersecurity T&E Guidebook

DoD Cyber Table Top Guide

Cyber DT Cross-Service Working Group Charter

DTE&A Cyber-Related Studies and Reports

DTE&A Managed Websites for Collaboration

Cyber Developmental Test Intelink/CTT site

Includes calendar of events, past CTTs, CTT Facilitator list, CTT templates, CTT facilitator folders, discussion board, and survey, Mission-Based Cyber Risk Assessments Comparative Study

DoD Centralized Cyber Capabilities Directory (C3D)

A web application to serve programs and the cybersecurity testing community as a searchable rolodex of current tools, facilities, and service providers.

DoD Cybersecurity DT&E High Side Collaboration Website (SIPR)




Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities
The Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301