What is APFIT

The Accelerate the Procurement and Fielding of Innovative Technologies (APFIT) is a pilot program, started in Fiscal Year 2022, to provide procurement funding for innovative projects that have completed development and are ready to transition into operational use.

Funding amounts of $10M-$50M are awarded to projects with small business or non-traditional performers to accelerate initial production and reduce the overall procurement timeline. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering, OUSD(R&E), conducts a competitive down-select process each year using evaluation criteria including impact to the warfighter, sustainment support, and applicability to the broader DoD.

Projects are awarded in coordination with a Service, Combatant Command, Defense Agency, or other organization and have included everything from procurement of undersea sensors to the manufacture and launch of satellites.

Does my program qualify for APFIT funding?

RDT&E complete and DoD is interested in procuring

Small business or nontraditional defense contractor

$10M-$50M could be used to accelerate procurement

Project is endorsed by an APFIT-designated Submitting Organization

Small business or nontraditional defense contractor

$10M-$50M could be used to accelerate procurement

Project is endorsed by an APFIT-designated Submitting Organization



Combatant Commands



Defense Health Agency

Defense Intelligence Agency

Defense Logistics Agency

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Missile Defense Agency

National Geospatial Intelligence Agency

National Reconnaissance Office

Space Development Agency

Other Organizations


Strategic Capabilities Office

Defense Innovation Unit






APFIT Funding Timeline

Selection process is conducted once per year.

APFIT Selection Process

  1. Submitting organizations collect projects internally
  2. Submitting organizations prioritize projects and send top selections to
  3. OUSD(R&E) conducts a review with services and the Joint Staff
  4. Final selections are announced


Reach out to the APFIT team for current year deadlines: osd.apfit@mail.mil



"DoD Announces Second Set of Projects to Receive Funding From the Pilot Program to Accelerate the Procurement and Fielding of Innovative Technologies (APFIT)."

Heidi Shyu asks a question to Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport Commanding Officer Capt. Chad Hennings

"Can't go it alone: DoD to 'step away' from conventional thinking in new S&T strategy."

Quest to Build a Bridge

"3 keys to bridging 'valley of death': Get involved early, cut out middlemen and pray Congress works."

Shyu Eyes Base Defense

"Pentagon's Shyu eyes base defense for third 'sprint' of rapid experiment campaign."

For Emerging Tech

"For emerging tech, DoD funds $100M in new projects to help bridge 'valley of death'"


"DoD Announces First Set of Projects to Receive Funding From the Pilot Program to Accelerate the Procurement and Fielding of Innovative Technologies (APFIT)."

Links to the articles above are for informational purposes only. Unless explicitly attributed, the views expressed, and advertisements that may appear alongside the articles, are those of the authors, and do not reflect the official policy, position or support of the OUSD R&E, Department of Defense or United States Government.

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Government personnel can subscribe to our distribution list by sending a digitally signed email to osd.apfit@mail.mil.


Contact Us

Information for ASD(MC): Contact OUSD(R&E) Staff

Social Media: @DoDCTO on Twitter 

For website issues: Contact Webmaster



Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities
The Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301